●Clear: 1M CCD camera, tracking surgery any time, real-time 4X magnifying images at live screen
●Stable: Professional image acquisition and processing system, displaying clear clinic images in real-time
●Smart: Window width/level adjustable at live screen, rotation is available at the fluoroscopy mode, zooming and translation,powerful image processing function
●Advanced: Living images at left monitor while image savings at the right one
●Comprehensive: Multi- angle continuous shoot to display high quality videos and images
●Clear: 1M CCD camera, tracking surgery any time, real-time 4X magnifying images at live screen
●Stable: Professional image acquisition and processing system, displaying clear clinic images in real-time
●Smart: Window width/level adjustable at live screen, rotation is available at the fluoroscopy mode, zooming and translation,powerful image processing function
●Advanced: Living images at left monitor while image savings at the right one
●Comprehensive: Multi- angle continuous shoot to display high quality videos and images

●Compact and flexible mobile DR, with power aid and superior 7° climbing performance, move among departments freely
●Anti-collision system, automatically decelerate on down slope, convenient lock and one key unlock, smart frame with stability and safety
●High power and frequency generator, high thermal capacity X-ray tube, which guarantees bedside examination
●Large capacity battery pack, electric power storage can be used to shoot more than 240 times, which ensures long time and great quantity test

●Superior movement performance, with power aid and 10° climbing ability, ultralight frame
●New developed touch screen, 21.5 inch ultra narrow screen with wide vision, which enhanced the display effectiveness
●Anti-collision system, automatically decelerate on down slope; handbrake, remote control, time-delay exposure modes are available
●High power and frequency generator, high thermal capacity X-ray tube, which guarantees bedside examination
●Large capacity battery pack, electric power storage can be used to shoot more than 300 times, which ensures long time and great quantity test

● One key positioning and other center rotation function greatly improves the convenience of equipment control
● Multi-directional functional operation keys, from the real sense to improve the work efficiency of doctors
● Powerful workstation can provide rich image post-processing functions, simple and easy to understand the operation interface is closer to the doctor's use habits
● Automatic exposure mode and automatic control protection device, not only convenient for doctors to operate and ensure the safety of patients
● Adjust the pressure manually/electrically according to the comfort of the patient. The double screen displays the actual pressure applied by the breast
Official Accounts:Laifuyl
Add:608 Jinxian Medical Avenue, Nanchang, China
Add:No. 27 Meiye Road, Jingkai District, Chongqing, China (Leifu Intelligent Medical Industrial Park)
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